Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions do I need to get healed?

How often do I need to come and see you?

It is up to you. It depends on how quickly you want to be healed and how much you can take it.

How soon do I need to come back again?

You would know when you are ready for the next session.

I didn’t feel anything in the session. Did something happen?

Whatever needed to happen did happen. The response from the healing may continue up to a few months. You can receive the new healing session even when the response from the previous healing session is taking place.

I haven’t been feeling well after the session. Am I OK?

That is a sign that your body is processing to get healed. In healing sessions, cells would release emotions which were stored as chemicals to the blood stream. When the level of the chemical in the blood stream becomes too high, then the body would start to get rid of them more quickly by inducing diarrhea or vomitting, etc. When your subconscious mind is processing a lot, you would have more lucid dreams and you may feel tired when you wake up. If you want to feel better, drink more water regularly, take salt bath regularly to enhance detoxing process and you can also try using TAT tapping that I recommend in my health tip page. Or you can discuss with me what can be done to help you.

What is Motoko guided by?

The creator of the universe, the universal consciousness, the source, the torsion fields or the god (not associated with any religion).

Is healing related to religion?

Healing is spiritual process but it is not associated with any religion. Everyone has spirit! Healing is done by the creator of the universe, the universal consciousness, the source or the torsion fields. If you have major issues with the god or any religion, then that needs to be worked on in healing sessions since the life force is coming from the creator of the universe. Rejecting it would only cause you to have issues in your life.

Do I need to believe in the creator of the universe to be able to benefit from the healing?

It would be helpful but not necessary. Motoko will be guided to work on your connection to the creator if that needs to be worked on.

Does healing session covered by private health fund?

Unfortunately not at the moment. Hopefully in the near future.

Why Motoko recommends her clients to learn Theta Healing?